The FaithFul of God

The FaithFul of God

I hope you have a blessed Memorial Day, which to me, is a very somber day…
Every Memorial Day, I struggle to find the right words to say, as I don’t think there are any words that can do this day justice.
I have angry swell up in me over the many that have gave their lives and have been injured by so many needless so call wars the United States has gotten involved in.
I understand some were need to provide us with a Free Sovereign country.
I personally believe alot of them were needless.
That’s probably why I don’t say a whole lot to others on this day.
So much of what I see online and elsewhere seems so shallow.
But maybe it’s just me. I dunno.
Like you, I do know that I’m beyond grateful for those who’ve died to preserve our freedom and for everyone who has ensured our great country still endures.
And those who’ve passed on can never be adequately repaid by those of us still here, but I’m sure God is taking good care of them.
I think that’s enough.
Take care of your family today and count your many blessings.
Even though times are tough for many, we have so, so much to be grateful for.
Please take care of our men and women who have serve in our military.
An Ex-Military man.
“Only one life to live and soon is past
Only what’s done for Christ will last!”
Hoping to make the time I have left count for the glory of God.
Memorial day

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