The FaithFul of God

The FaithFul of God


Part 3
So let me start going through the last month’s headlines now remember
all that what’s happened in the last 30 days.
Watch how do you like that headline Israel may be forced to strike
Iran’s nuke bases now to deliver a final blow to the regime before it’s too late
and stop World War III.
How do you like that for a headline and did you see the newspapers are showing where
all of Iran’s nuclear bases are now this is amazing.
Did you watch the graphic of the Iron Dome taken those
missiles out. Missiles were coming down and were exploding as there were taken out.
What’s going on now is Iran right through all these proxies through Hezbollah, Ammon and the Houthis.
Hezbollah the National Defense Forces of Syria are constantly sending missiles toward Israel.
Iran is now in Israel’s crosshairs.
Israel Attacks all of these oil facilities and then did you see the pictures
of the Iron Dome intercepting the Iranian Missiles manufactured in Houthis, Hezbollah and
Iraqy launched missiles.
That’s what’s filling our headlines now. Have you ever lived in a
time where if you look at any news report on your phone?
You’re seeing exactly what the Bible says is going to happen.
Happening now. I’ve never lived in a time like that now.
Yes in 1948 1967 1973. I mean we’ve heard about events this
year. The last 30 days are prophetically unprecedented.
Israel has launch air strikes on mant targets in Yemen.
Israel is attacking where the missiles are being shot at them and the drones come from.
They started last week.
Also the invasion of Lebanon after weeks of devastating air
strikes in a bid to destroy the Iran back terror group.
That Iran backed terror group Hezbollah.
That was Psalm 83 now what does Ezekiel 38 say so.
You should understand Psalm 83. Spend
some time reading that and marking it.
Seeing the historic record of all of Israel’s. All of their different
enemies over the centuries. See geographically every one of those
places mentioned in Psalm 83 is now inhabited by Islamic Islamic militants
That are opposed to Israel.That want to destroy Israel from being as Psalm 83.
I read they just that they want them to stop doing anything.
Israel by the way isn’t doing anything to them but they want to to stop Israel
from existing that’s what the Bible says.
You remember they’re not attacking Israel.
Psalm 83 says when a nation wants to stop Israel’s existence.
They’re attacking God.
Ezekiel 38 says two more well-known Nations Iran and Russia are going to mobilize and
 Lead an invasion against Israel
This is what Ezekiel 38 talks about the geographic area to the North of Israel that comes
down. All of these nations come with Iran and Northern Africa.
They come from the south and that is what Ezekiel 38 talks about.
All those Nations that are described in Ezekiel 38.
Putin has cements a powerful new alliance with Iran and Turkey in a challenge to the west.
They want a lasting ceasefire by joining forces and stopping Israel
from being a nation.
Russia is this is not from some prophetic website this is from a European
newspaper because this is what Vladimir Putin is saying this.
What’s playing on Russian television now nuke threat, chilling simulation
of London being nuked.
It is shown by Russian TV channels. People are capturing this and and news reports
are coming out of Russia. Threatening the
United Kingdom.
So Islamic Coalition against Israel are Iranians in Russia wanting to get rid of Israel.
Doing alliances look at Daniel 9.
Read that in your Bible Daniel 9. You should study this. Daniel 9 identifies
the fact that after 62 weeks Daniel 9:20.
Messiah would be cut off but not for himself.
The people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the
city. The city is Jerusalem.
The people of the prince that shall come are the Romans.
The city is where Jesus was cut off crucified. So the Romans that
destroyed Jerusalem are going to be the people of the future.
Look at verse 27. Then he shall confirm a covenant with many
for one week but in the middle of the Covenant. He shall bring an end to
sacrifice and offering. Daniel 9 tells us that the end of the world is when
the West makes a covenant with many nations against Israel’s survival and the temple.
I know talking about wars and the death of so many people. Bombs and missiles
and invasions is awful but Jesus said there’s always
going to be wars and rumors of wars but when you see these seven
prophetic kind of the framework. When you see all of them operating at once.
Look at this when you see an Islamic Confederation. Iran and the
West ensuring Israel’s survival.
Here are the headlines this is from the last three weeks.
The US and UK that’s all part of what we would call the revived
Roman Empire. All of the the future kind of enlargements of
the Roman Empire.
The US is a colony of the United Kingdom which was a colony of of Rome have ramped up the Firepower
in the Middle East to deter Iran from starting World War III that’s Ezekiel
As Israel’s top allies risk being dragged into the conflict so there’s the
the target area. Look at what’s going on in America has CNN tells us a care
this is this week. I mean this is not from months ago this is a few
weeks ago. Look what CNN says we have all of these aircraft they’ve been flying over billions of
dollars of our airplanes over there.
Israel is facing war from Five Points we’ve talked about.
That is Hezbollah in the north. Hamas in the South and within
the Houthis from the far south. The Iranians from the East.
The Iraqi and Syria militants from the East.
Look what the US said we can’t stay and protect you forever that was September 7th 5
weeks ago.
Today that’s amazing to think about we can’t stay and protect you forever.
That’s what Daniel 9 said. That the West would ensure Israel’s survival,
You’re seeing it happen on the news before your eyes.
I don’t know how much longer the us is going to be spending billions of dollar
 to protect Israel but when they stop.
Do you know what happens?
The Antichrist steps in and makes a covenant to bring world peace.
Did you see Israel shoot down the 200 missiles Taran sent there?
All the missiles they’re sending. They’re coming in from Iran.
They used Western technology the Iron Dome system that
the United States funded.
Israel’s brilliant they have Engineers God’s using them he’s gifted them.
America is financing. The West is protecting Israel now they cracks what did Emanuel Macon
say from France. We’re going to embargo until there’s peace from all the
horrible civilian deaths going on. Both down in Gaza and up in labanon but
even though they’re saying that, Israel keeps getting resupplied.

The West is doing what Daniel 9 said.

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