“The Lord will give grace and glory.” —Psalm 84:11
Oh! happy day, when this toilsome warfare will all be ended, Jordan crossed—Canaan entered—the multitude of enemies of the wilderness no longer dreaded—sorrow, sighing, death, and, worst of all, sin, no more either to be felt or feared! Here is the terminating link in the golden chain of the everlasting covenant. It began with predestination; it ends with glorification. It began with sovereign grace in eternity past, and no link will be lacking until the ransomed spirit is presented faultless before the throne! Grace and glory! If the pledge is sweet, what must be the reality? If the wilderness table contains such rich provision, what must be the glories of the eternal banqueting house? Oh! my soul, make sure of your saving interest in the one, as the blessed prelude to the other. “Having access by faith into this grace, you can rejoice in hope of the glory of God;” for “whom He justifies, them He also glorifies!”
Has grace begun in you? Can you mark—though it should be but the drops of the incipient streamlet which is to terminate in such an ocean—the tiny grains which are to accumulate and issue in such “an exceeding weight of glory?” Do not delay the momentous question! The day of offered grace is on the wing; its hours are fast numbering; and, “No grace, no glory!”
“Only one life to live and soon is past
Only what’s done for Christ will last!”
Hoping to make the time I have left count for the glory of God.
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