The FaithFul of God

The FaithFul of God

Do You Know Secrets To Endless Wealth–from God Through Peter Eyes?
Part 4
You know I flew on a lot of planes in my life. You know they always play that tape.
You know now they have a movie it was so cute. We’re flying over the ocean as soon as this plane takes off
and if the plane crashes your seat is a flotation device. It shows someone standing up and
clutching the seat and holding their wrist as they you know float away. Then they say on the movie they say
 but if the plane is sinking don’t take anything with you out of the plane. Take your seat you know in the
 little thing you blow up and whistle. I thought can you imagine being on a sinking airplane
out in the middle of some ocean and have a person you know coming down the aisle with their suitcase.
It’s stuck and everybody’s clambering over them and the plane is sinking. You’d say leave that behind
you’re going to drown. That is exactly what Jesus was telling this man and so look back at verse
Mark 10:25.
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
He continues that because they don’t want to give up what they’re towing. Now a lot of people have gone through
this. They say well the eye of the needle is actually the little door in the middle of the gate.
Jesus was not talking about little doors in the middle of gates and having camels
crawl on their knees and shimmy through the door. To the normal person hearing him day that a camel
is the largest known land animal of their day and the eye of a needle was the smallest
little tiny opening that could be manufactured.
So he took the smallest possible opening and the largest possible visible around them animal. He said
could that thing get through that no. He said that’s how possible it is for rich people to get to heaven.
If they’re trusting and they won’t turn loose of the ownership of the allegiance to their riches. So
look at Mark 10:26
And they were astonished out of measure, saying among themselves, Who then can be saved?
After he tells that story they were greatly astonished. Now what’s interesting is the first astonished
just means kind of flabbergasted verse 26 greatly astonished I wrote in my bible literally it means to be struck or
driven out by blows. It’s the same word that’s used when when someone you know is is taking a
stick and swatting someone. Saying get out of here kind of like when watch all these riots
on tv. The riot policemen are got their truncheons and they’re striking like this and that. That’s how the
disciples felt. They felt Jesus came up and hit him and hit him and hit him. They were
falling back from what he was saying because what he said was totally against everything that they had thought
verse 26 meant. They began saying then who can be saved.
Mark 10:27
27And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things
 are possible.
Jesus looked at them and he said with men it’s impossible but not with God. With God all things
are possible. What he’s saying is salvation is impossible to start with. But it
it’s even more unlikely if you’re going to tow all that stuff through life.
Well Peter and the rest of the disciples were astonished. Greatly astonished because money seemed to be the
 best thing to have.
Money made life easier and by the way that’s true. Did you know that money makes life easier.
If you can pay people to do stuff for you. Money makes life easier money and does a lot
of things. More money and more power. I mean look how people treat people once they know they have money.
You can get a better seat in church if you drive up in a better car that’s what James said.
He says the person crested with gold let them sit in the best seat. The poor people, the ones that are smelly
James says whose clothes smell have them sit in the back.
Money brings power. Money means more freedom isn’t that the american dream financial independence.
You do’nt want the corporation telling you what to do. You want to be independent. That’s
what money brings. It brings power. It brings freedom. More money, more security.
More money more freedom. More money more security but Jesus added something to the equation that they
 had never thought of. Money makes earthly life easier. No question but money can make eternal life
 impossible. That’s why they felt blown away. I think we need to think about that.
Jesus said money can make eternal life impossible. We need to think of Christ’s unrelenting lesson about that.
Jesus was pointing out before the very eyes that material possessions tend to rivet the owner’s attention on earth.
To the exclusion of heaven. Wealth can enslave us without us even realizing what’s happening.
So Jesus says beware of riches. They can become your greatest handicap.
Well peter Peter was processing this. You know in fact back in Mark 4.
Jesus talked about this all the time. I don’t think we realize it.
In fact a nice thing to do is read through the gospel look at jesus talking about money.
He talks more about money than any other topic.
It’s unbelievable how practical he was in his teaching. As he’s talking about money.
Look what he says he’s presenting the gospel in Mark 4.
We call it the sower and the seed. You know that parable but that was Jesus teaching about
how people get saved. They receive the engrafted word that saves their soul. This is why some people don’t
get saved Mark 4:19.
And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in,
 choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.
We can be captured and controlled by our recreation, comfort and possession so much that this will happen to
 us Jesus warned Mark. The cares of this world. The deceitfulness of riches. The desire for other things
enter in and choke the word. Then it doesn’t bear fruit. You know what that means? That people can hear the same
simple gospel message. That message is sitting there waiting for them to act on it. Jesus said watch out because
 the cares of this world. The persistent pressure of keeping up and caring about staying up with the world.
All the cares and they’re just normal cares of life just to make it. They can distract people from the gospel.
 The deceitfulness of riches. Mark 4:19
And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in,
 choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.
All of a sudden think you’re better. You think you deserve something.
Jesus said the deceitfulness of riches and the desire for other things chokes the word.
So that’s what mark chapter 10’s rich young ruler illustrates the most deadly byproduct of wealth is.
It hardens our soul against the requirement. Jesus said we are to simply cling to him. He said I’m the door.
You can’t bring anything through the door. You just let go of everything. Cling to me. That’s how you get saved.
Looked at the words of rock of ages simply nothing in my hands I bring simply to thy cross I cling.
The rich young ruler said no I want to cling to you but I want to cling to that too.
Jesus said you can’t have both.
Now back to II Peter 3:14
Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace,
 without spot, and blameless.
There Peter says materialism blinds our eyes to Christ with earthly treasures.
What Peter taught them starting in verse 14 is how you protect your spiritual sight.
How do you keep from getting blind? Verse 14 we keep from getting blinded by living peaceably.
It says therefore beloved look forward. Looking forward to these things II Peter 3:14 and be diligent to be found
by him in peace.
What does that have to do with anything? Well do you know what one of the byproducts of materialism is?
Restlessness that’s feeding our culture. People are restless. I mean they wait in line
to get the newest phone. They’ll wait for hours in line to get it. I mean people want to
want to have the newest, the latest,  the biggest, the flashiest and the most modern of anything.
There is a restlessness that we don’t want to miss anything. That’s fueled by discontent.
You know what Jesus said. Looking forward to these things and be diligent to be found by him in peace.
Don’t be restless. Don’t be discontent. Don’t be constantly longing and coveting for what
you don’t have. You know what’s so interesting to be found by him?
Do you know what salvation is we’re not a number. We’re not a group. We’re not an individual.
Every person is going to be found personally by Jesus Christ. He says we’re going to be found by him and
That’s why either we’re going to go in the group rapture or we’re going to go in the private one.
That’s dying before the Rapture. Jesus actually finds us in the hospital or in our bed at night or while we’re
He says I want to find you in peace and not restless. Not discontented.
Do You Know Secrets To Endless Wealth–from God Through Peter Eyes? Part 4
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