O what a truth is this! The Son of God offering Himself up a sacrifice for sin! He who knew no sin—who was holy, harmless, and undefiled—not one thought of evil in His heart, yet made sin, or a sin offering! O the magnitude of the thought! If God Himself had not declared it, we could not have believed it, though an angel’s trumpet had announced it.
O blessed and adorable Immanuel! Was this the end and design of Your intense and mysterious sufferings? Was it that You should obey, bear the sin, endure the curse, and bow Your head in death, that I might go free? Was it in my stead, and in my behalf? O unexampled love! O infinite and free grace! That God should become incarnate—that the Holy One should so take upon Him sin, as to be dealt with by stern justice as though He were Himself the sinner—that He should drain the cup of wrath, give His back to the smiters, endure the shame and the spitting, and at last be suspended upon the cross, and pour out His last drop of most precious blood—and all this for me! For me a rebel! For me a worm! For me the chief of sinners! Be astonished, O heavens! and be amazed, O earth! Was ever love like this?
FOR ME, A WORM! by Octavius Winslow