The following is from Spurgeon’s sermon,
“A Promise for Us and for Our Children”
O beloved, did you ever did try to grasp the thought that
God loves you? Whenever I try at it, it brings the tears
into my eyes and I can go no farther.
That the eternal God should pity me I can understand;
that he should regard my misery and deliver me, I can
comprehend; that he should look upon me with eyes of
benevolence seems reasonable enough; but that he
should love me, love me too with a love infinitely
stronger than any love I have to my own children,
or to my own spouse; that he should so love me that
his own darling son, the only begotten, was not better
loved than I have been, this is a wonder of wonders!
I must not say that Jesus was not so well loved by God
as poor sinful men were, but I will say when the question
came to this- whether those poor sinful but beloved ones
should die or Christ should die, he spared not his own
Son, but freely delivered him up for us all!
Oh! what mysterious love, that Christ should suffer that
we may go free! That the Father’s darling should hang
upon the accursed tree and bleed away his life that we
might be received into the eternal bosom of Jehovah,
and might be for ever accepted as the favored ones of
his electing love!
He loves you!
Oh! there is nothing can melt the heart like this-
God loves you!
And while it melts it strengthens. While God loves me,
whom shall I fear? If Jehovah has chosen me, if he
has set his heart upon me, of whom shall I be afraid?
Verily with this I may walk through the valley of the
shadow of death and fear no evil; with this in the
midst of war I may have confidence; upon this in
famine I shall be fed; and in affliction I shall not
be afraid.
Oh! the joy which dwells in the thought that
God loves his people.
Jesus loved me, and gave himself for me!
Can you say this, my hearer? If you can, you can
say more than Demosthenes or Cicero were ever
able to say with all their eloquence.