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Revelation Chapter 6:2
Part 3
Number Two.
God unleashes judgment. It’s not the judge himself now. Just to show you this is not
Christ. Some people well-meaning equate the Revelation 62 White Horse coming to
Earth with the Revelation 19:11-15 White Horse coming to Earth.
It’s an easy thing to do white horse and white horse but that’s the only similarities.
This white horse is riding in to start the tribulation.
It’s not Christ. He rides in in chapter 19 to stop
it and culminate it. This one is carrying a bow Christ carries a
sword. This one as he’s coming is given a crown. Christ it says has many crowns and
he is the king of kings and Lord of lords.
So this is not Christ. He has a bow there’s no arrows. In fact it
appears this is a bloodless Conquest. That the Antichrist conquers the Earth with his message of peace and no one
resists him. Isn’t it interesting they resisted the real Christ. They don’t resist the anti-false Christ so there’s
a powerful deceptive false peace and it’s not christ on this horse. That brings us to the end of verse two.
Look at the end of verse two. Note the words. A crown was given him. He went to conquering and to conquer.
God allows people to have what they really want.
I’ve met with this person and I’ve told him this but they’re refusing what I said they’re going to go ahead and marry
this unsaved person. What should I do. I said well you should back up and remember what God does. Do you know
when God warns and warns and warns and warns us and we still proceed with our own way.
You know what he does. He goes okay you can have what you really want. You see
God gives everyone what they really deeply want. That’s the worst thing
if what you want is not his way. That’s what Romans 1 is all about that God gives the whole world.
God turned them over to their greedy desires and lets them have what they want.
Well right here in verse 2 at the end. God allows people to have what they really want.
Each element of the tribul is launched here in Revelation 6 as a plan from God.
It’s Unleashed according to his purpose. God always gives to each of us what we really want,
Deeply from the very center of our being wants which reminds me to say be careful what you really want.
God will give you what you really want. Make sure what you really want is Godly, God-Honoring and pleasing to
him because he’ll give you what you really want.
Now look how John says this. Look at the end of verse two a crown was given.
That means God allowed and sent this deceiver that mankind has always wanted peace but they’ve always
been unwilling to bow to the Prince of Peace. To obtain real peace so God offers them a false peace
and a false Christ. They bow before the false Peacemaker. They worship him that’s the first Horsemen of the
Apocalypse well that’s verse two.
We’re done but before we go let me ask you how does Revelation 6 fit in with all the rest of the Bible.
Is what we just read verified by the rest of the Bible? Is this what the Bible says is going to
happen since God inspired all the scripture? Is this section of the Bible consistent with the rest of the Bible?
What is amazing is the first four elements those first four horsemen exactly correspond with the
first four descriptions Jesus makes in Matthew 24. In fact if you
would take the time to read Matthew 24:4. Jesus says take heed that no one deceives you.
For many are going to come in my name saying I am the Christ. That’s the first thing Jesus says.
What’s the first seal a white horse that brings peace into all the Earth.
How do we know it brings peace? Look in your Bibles in Revelation 6.
Look at verse three it says that the second horseman in verse three takes peace from the earth
that means that the first Horsemen brought peace to the Earth.
So Horseman one deceiver seal one that’s described in Matthew 24. Deceivers you know what the
second thing Jesus describes in Matthew 24?
Nations against Nations. Kingdom against Kingdom.
What’s the second Horseman the red Horsemen bring Warfare and killing?
What’s the third thing Jesus says in Matthew 24:7. There will be famines.
What’s the third Horsemen black famine and weighing the grain.
They don’t have enough food. Next Jesus said there’ll be pestilence and earthquakes.
What’s the fourth Seal? The Pale Horse of death as there’s pestilence stalking the planet
It doesn’t stop with the first four. Matthew 24:9 Jesus talks about delivering up Believers to tribulation
and killing them.
The fifth seal are the martyrs of the tribulation.
The next thing Jesus talks about is the sun will be darkened in Matthew 24:29.
What is the Sixth Seal the sun turns black like sackcloth and the moon
darkens to be like blood red.
It exactly tracks so Revelation 6 follows exactly the same plan or script for what God has decided.
It’s what Jesus said in Matthew 24. It’s what John illustrates in Revelation 6.
It’s exactly in sequence with all of the Old Testament prophets and everything they
We started this morning with a doctrine of inspiration. God actually breathes out his word.
It’s Flawless and eternal.
A second doctrine that we need to hold as tightly as we hold inspiration is this.
That the inspired God has given us a map of the future.
That’s called prophecy or eschatology.
If you remember Matthew 24 is the longest answer to any question Jesus ever gave.
I mean people ask me about everything. They ask him about where he came from?
Who he was? Why he was dying? Do you know what he gave the longest answer to what’s coming in the
So that should remind us because there are four entire chapters in The Gospel packed with inspired
Divine truth to answer questions about the end of days or the
doctrine of eschatology.
That’s an amazing way God emphasizes that it’s very important
to him. It should be important to us!
One last thought and and I love this how does Jesus, not prophetic conference speakers
not people that like to be intriguing on the radio. Who are always saying things get
people’s attention how does Jesus want us to apply what what we’ve seen in Revelation 6?
I mean what possible application could there be of the tribulation to us?
That he’s promised he’s going to Deliver Us from that wrath to come.
How are we supposed to apply this? This is just an introduction but maybe for some of you.
You know I’m always meeting with people and one of the things they say is could you tell me
something I just need help.
I don’t know where to start studying my Bible.
I love to suggest something to them and check up with them and see if they did it.
Well if you’re one of those that aren’t sure where you’re going to read this week let me just share this
with you to close.
Jesus applied the coming of the tribulation by telling five quick stories. If you notice right
after Jesus finishes with all of the horrors of the tribulation.
He goes into five quick parabolic stories, That’s the end of Matthew 24 and all of 25,
The theme of every story was Jesus applying the End of Time scenario to the everyday lives of people that
weren’t going to go through the end of days that were alive right then.
Us and basically Jesus said this is how you apply the truth of the tribulation to your living today.
I’ll just read to you the five stories okay?
Number one in Matthew 24:32 to 35 Jesus said know my plan.
You read that story. He says I want you to know my plan. I want you to
know what’s coming. You know what that means?
Learn the doctrine of eschatology.
Number two in Matthew 24: 36-44.
Jesus said keep watching I’m coming quickly. Do you know what the
lesson is?
We don’t know when he’s going to come for us.
He’s going to come at the time we least expected and many
Christians are going to be so taken up with this time of
prosperity and peace. Finally the stock market is going to
be worth something. Finally we’re not going to have to worry about our food being poison.
You know and the terrorists coming.
That there are going to be Christians as these times start coming.
That are going to be deceived Jesus said don’t let this time
deceive you.
Now I’m not saying that the Christians are going to be in the tribulation but this is going
to be a workup.
There’s going to be coming a time when everything is going to be stabilizing and getting better.
Christians are going to be wow this is great.
The Lord says keep watching I’m coming quickly and don’t be deceived.
Matthew 24: 45-51 Jesus said avoid distractions Matthew 25 the 1-13 verses
Jesus said remember there’s no Second Chance. Live for what counts now while
you can.
Finally Matthew 25:14-30
has a very simple theme. Don’t waste your life> God’s already told us a plan.
He’s already told us how it’s all going to end.
He’s already told us why he saved us.
Don’t waste your life live for what I saved you to do.
That’s the message of how Jesus applied the tribulation.
I want you to think about something.
We don’t know when the Lord’s going to come but in those
stories Jesus said.
I hope I will find you doing what I left you to do.
A good question to ask everyone you know or do not know. If you would die today or tonight.
Do you know that all of your sins are forgiven?
Evangelize the World for Christ. Give out Tracks of the Gospel.
If anyone needs Tracks of the Gospel. Contact me I will give you some.
God Bless
“Only one life to live and soon is past
Only what’s done for Christ will last!”
Hoping to make the time I have left count for the glory of God.
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HE SOLUTION TO ALL GLOBAL PROBLEMS–Satan’s Super Man is coming Revelation Chapter 6:2 Part 3
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