The FaithFul of God

The FaithFul of God

Microscopic holiness The following is from Spurgeon’s sermon, “A Well Ordered Life” . Psalm 119:133. “Order my steps,” We see here that David is anxious as to details. He does not say, “Order the whole of my pilgrimage;” he means that, but his expression is more expressive and painstaking. He would have each single step ordered in holiness. He would enjoy heavenly guidance in each minute portion of his journey towards heaven. Much of the beauty of holiness lies in little things. Microscopic holiness is the perfection of excellence. If a life will bear examination in each hour of it, it is pure indeed. Those who are not careful about their words, and even their thoughts, will soon grow careless concerning their more notable actions. Those who tolerate sin in what they think to be little things, will soon indulge in it in greater matters. To live by the day and to watch each step, is the true pilgrimage method. More lies in the careful noting of every single act than careless minds can well imagine. Be this then your prayer: “Lord, direct my morning thoughts, that the step out of my chamber into the world may be taken in your fear. At my table keep me in your presence; behind my counter, or in my field, or wherever else I may be, allow me not to grieve your Spirit by any evil. And when I come to lie down at night, let the action (which seems so indifferent) of casting myself upon my pillow, be performed with a heart that loves you; so that I shall be prepared to be with you, if wakeful during the night.” This brief prayer, “Order my steps,” teaches us attention to the minutiae of life. May we have grace to learn the lesson.

Microscopic holiness The following is from Spurgeon’s sermon, “A Well Ordered Life”

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