The FaithFul of God

The FaithFul of God

In our political system here in America there are really only two basic political parties (1) Globalists; (2) Nationalists. The Nationalists are America First people, who love our constitution, closed borders, building the American military, preventing wars, econcomic conservativism, etc. The Globalists are divided into progressive liberals and the deep state. The deep state is united in a globalist cabal that is using the progressive liberal policies (Green deal, equity policies, race division, open borders, etc.) to usher in a one world government. The Deep State Globalist want to depopulate the earth and they will use artificial produced pandemics or war to accomplish that end. In America the Deep State Globalists have been in power for many decades slowly advancing their cause in our public educational system, public news media, Intelligent agencies and other executive branches of government, hollywood, etc. They proposed a 16 year program which was begun in the first 8 years of Obama an was to be concluded in the next 8 years by Hillary Clinton. Obama was to turn us against Israel, weaken our military, remove weapons from the population. Hillary was to open our borders, destroy our economy and bring us into a war with that was by design to defeat the American Military, thus giving the cabal the power to remove our constitution and reduce our country to a third world country. However, they did not expect Trump to win and Hillary to lose. When Trump entered into office he reversed their policies, strengthened the military, built a wall on our border and strengthened our economy stopped their progress in our educational system and most importantly removed us from the globalist agenda in NATO. He shut down the Russian pipeline. Putin would not dare advance while Trump was in office as he feared Trump. He advanced under globalist presidents (Obama, Biden). The deep state began their attack on him from the time he entered office and still are trying desperately to destroy him every way they can from every angle they can in order to prevent him from regaining office. They rigged the 2020 and 2022 elections to overthrow him and the nationalist politicians.
The pandemic was invented and used by the cabal to destroy the American economy, and reduce world population. The cabal intends on reducing the world population by billions and they will accomplish this through any means available (pandemics, war, manufactured famines, etc.). Biden will this coming Monday sign an agreement with W.H.O to bring the American public under their authority. Authority to define and call pandemics (which they are now inventing new viruses) and force doctors to use their specified vaccines and prevent them from using anything other than their specified vaccines. They will have authority to suspend constitutional rights during a time they define as a pandemic, close businesses, close schools, require mask, etc. Biden entered office four years behind their 16 year plan and speeded up their program by immediately reversing everything Trump did to slow it down and reverse it. Opened the borders and aggressively attacking the first and second constitutional ammendments. He invited Russia to attack Ukraine by not only his weakness in Afganastan but opening up their pipe line and openly speculating that Putin would invade Ukraine without any pushback. However, He and his family got exposed in their crime in Ukraine and the wheels began to turn to further expose the whole cabal in the US. Biden turned to the war in Ukraine to change the news focus off of him and his criminal family and the expose of the cabal in America unto the war in Ukraine. George Soros has recently backed DeSantis of Florida for the Republican Nominee. This shows you how desperately afraid the international cabal is of President Trump. They will do ANYTHING to prevent him from regaining the presidencey because they know he will expose them, reverse their policies and they will back any other conservative other than him. We need to support Trump, regardless if you agree with his flavor of his tweets, or you don’t like his personality. Our enemies fear him more than they fear any other republican conservative because he has a track record of keeping his promises and he has made clear what his promises are for his next term and it is to expose and remove the deep state cabal here in America and oppose it world wide. As Christians, only Trump has the track record of opposing our enemies which are the globalists and their one world order. We need to publicly back him up because he is backing us up.


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