The FaithFul of God

The FaithFul of God

Revelation 20:1-10
If the outline of Jesus can be traced in every book of God’s Word, and it is,
 then He is blazing brighter than the noonday sun in Revelation. No book of
 God’s Word more clearly shows all the Beauty of Jesus.  From the very first
 verse, God declares that He is revealing (unveiling) Jesus for us, His servants,
 to the very last verses where God is inviting all who are thirsty to come to
 Jesus the Water of Life. Revelation overflows with our Lord Jesus. How are you
 doing in your daily time in the Word of God? Are you experiencing the wonders
 of Discovering Jesus? That is exactly what the Book of Revelation is all about.
 It is a tool, a guide and a roadmap into the very presence of God. It is a full
 color photo album of Jesus. It is a gripping action film taken from the vantage
 point of the control room of the Universe where God is monitoring the passing of
 time to the serene background music of heavenly worship.
Each message of this Revelation Series brings us to a unique view of our Blessed Lord.
From the prison colony of Patmos gaze at the MAJESTY OF JESUS as HE COMFORTS the
Apostle John in Revelation 1. Across the parchment of seven personal letters
directly from Jesus to His Bride, listen to the MESSAGE OF JESUS as HE CONFRONTS
 His Church in Revelation 2-3. Against the backdrop of seals, trumpets and bowls
 ponder the MISSION OF JESUS as HE CONQUERS the Cosmos in Revelation 4-19. With
 the world back in control and the New Heavens and Earth coming into view rejoice
 for the MANSIONS OF JESUS as HE CALLS in Revelation 20-22.
REVELATION 20-22: THE MANSIONS OF JESUS SERIES is a fantastic journey to our home
in the sky. We will explore
the Wonders of Heaven. Beyond our wildest imaginations are the beauties, that the
Word of God records are coming. This is the last three chapters of the Bible
and are a must for all who know this World is not their
home and plan to live forever in My Father’s House!
* Discover the TRIUMPH OF JESUS as He vanquishes the devil (20:1-10) and renews
the Earth.
* Discover the LAST WORD OF JESUS damning the rebels (20:11-15) as the Judge.
* Discover the HONEYMOON OF JESUS unveiling Paradise for His Bride (21:1-8).
* Discover the WONDERS OF JESUS revealing Paradise to His bride. (21:9-27)
* Discover the EXTRAVAGANCE OF JESUS offering salvation to all that come to Him (22).
* Discover the EXPERIENCE OF JESUS opening and closing the Revelation of Himself (1-22)
Lesson #1
Revelation 20:1-10
Lesson #2
Revelation 20:11-15
Lesson #3
Revelation 21:1-8
Lesson #4
Revelation 21:9-27
Lesson #5
Revelation 22:1-21
Lesson #6
Revelation 21:9-22:5
Revelation 20:1-10

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