The FaithFul of God

The FaithFul of God

Part 1

I know most people are afraid of Prophetic information, but remember in the Bible
is for us Christians.

October prophetic update it’s amazing today is October 9th.
That all across the land of Israel. They’re mourning the loss of so many in the attack one
year ago of Hamas. When they went across the border.
All that you’ve read in the news.

Today I’m coming to you with the one month ago everything that’s happened
since we were together in September let’s begin.
What I want you to see there are seven prophecies that determine according
to God Humanity’s future.

I can’t say enough times that God is the one that invented prophecy.
Jesus is the one that introduced biblical prophecy in Matthew 24.
That he said I want you to know I want you to be able to see I want you to be
able to understand what’s going on so prophecy is a gift
from God for us to understand what he’s doing in the world.

So what is God doing in the world well if you read these
seven prophecies Psalm 83, Ezekiel 38, Daniel 9,
Zechariah 12, Luke 21, Revelation 11 and Revelation 13.

What you find is a grid that you can plot and watch
what Jesus called birth pains.
He says that in Matthew 24. I’m not even going to refer to all that’s going on in
Matthew 24.

If you read these prophetic updates I always talk about Matthew 24.
I’m just going to say Jesus told us there’s going to be this growing
cresendo kind of the amplification of global events that have always
been going on around the world. The generation that starts
seeing what’s going on all the way around the world global events.

Jesus describes events the whole world would be witnessing at the same time.
What are those events?

1. Psalm 83
5. LUKE 21

Let’s go through through them from this chart.
Psalm 83 tells us there’s going to rise an Islamic Confederacy that’s going to seek
Israel’s Annihilation.
Psalm 83 is a historic Psalm it’s not a prophetic Psalm.
Psalm 83 is a record of all the different nations that at different times were
attacking Israel and seeking not just to take their ground or take their crops or
enslave them but to cause them to cease to be a nation. They want to annihilate them
and to wipe them out. It’s a historic record of a vast group of people across a long
chronological period that want to annihilate Israel.

Look back it’s amazing those same Geographic groups of people are all
Islamic today. They were all different groups worshiping all different gods.
Now they’re all Islamic. They have joined A Confederacy.
They seek Israel’s Annihilation just like Psalm 83 says.

Ezekiel 38 another great chapter to study.
Ezekiel 38 says two key nations are going to mobilize and as armies will attack Israel.
In a ground and whatever else invasion but they’re going to come with hordes of soldiers.
They might send hundreds of missiles. They might do a lot of other stuff but they’re going
to come as soldiers across the mountains that’s why you should read it. Ezekiel 38
say Iran and Russia are going to lead an invasion of Israel.

Daniel 9 says the West is going to have a policy but ensure that
means protect Israel from being wiped out.
Do you realize it actually says that. Does that make you

Think about the news.
wait till I show you what’s happened. Remember this update is one month
since I did the September update.
Wait till you see the headlines that have Cross Your Screen
both your television screen. Your your computer screen. Your phone screen
in the last 30 days. I’ve been studying prophecy for many years.
List of Things about Israel.
The nations in 1967 The Six Day War.
Proclamation of Israel that they are going be annihilated.
To the proclamation of Israel as a nation in 1948.

I’ve never seen anything before, that is going on now, that has happened in the last 30 days.

Zechariah 12 tells us that there’s going to be a final
Global hatred of Israel. That means everything you’re seeing now the tens of
thousands of people marching yesterday in London.
The man A couple of nights ago that did self imulation. He dumped gasoline on himself and lit
himself in front of the capital or the White House.
I couldn’t tell from the news where. It was in Washington DC.

All of that going on is not going to be local. It’s going to be
Global. God says in Zechariah 12. There is going to be all of the world hating Israel.
Just not just hating, boycotting and getting up and leaving when the the leader of Israel
speaks at the UN. Leaving the building as happened last week they’re going to come together and March as
armies that’s what Armageddon is by the way. That’s what prompts Christ’s return
by the way this Global hatred of Israel.
It is why the Lord comes back because finally when Satan has convinced everyone to
attack Israel in that moment Jesus returns and stops them and destroys the Armies.

He says this is it. He steps in as the King sitting on the throne of David.
He establishes the kingdom. He actually makes Israel the head of all the nations of Earth.
You can read about that and that’s not what we’re covering today.
You can study that with us in our Revelation course on the Blog.

Revelation Course Study Notes HOUR-01: THE BOOK NOT FROM THIS PLANET (Revelation 1-22)

Read through Luke 21 says there’s going to be deadly Terror as humans watch weather
catastrophes. Let’s see Milton is that the name of the current hurricane that is the
largest storm on the planet in the last 12 months.
Earth hasn’t seen a storm this powerful and and it’s right now bearing down on on Florida.

According to Revelation 11 there’s going to be a final Global money and tracking system.
We’ll talk about that the news is ripe with filled with reports.

In Revelation 13 says there’s going to be a global religion led by Satan’s Beast.
Those are the seven.
Part 2 tomorrow

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