“A bruised reed shall He not break, and smoking flax shall He not quench.” —Matthew 12:20
Will Jesus accept such a heart as mine?—this erring, treacherous, traitor heart? The past!—how many forgotten vows—broken covenants—prayerless days! How often have I made new resolutions, and as often has the reed succumbed to the first blast of temptation, and the burning flax been well-near quenched by guilty omissions and guiltier commissions! Oh! my soul! you are low indeed—the things that remain seem “ready to die.” But your Savior-God will not give you “over unto death.” The reed is bruised; but He will not pluck it up by the roots. The flax is reduced to a smoking ember, but He will fan the decaying flame. Why wound your loving Savior’s heart by these repeated declensions? He will not—cannot give you up. Go, mourn your weakness and unbelief. Cry unto the Strong for strength.
Weary and faint one! You have an Omnipotent arm to lean on. “He faints not, neither is weary!” Listen to His own gracious assurance: “Fear not, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; yes, I will help you with the right hand of my righteousness!” Leaving all your false props and refuges, let this be your resolve—”I trust in the Lord for protection!”