The FaithFul of God

The FaithFul of God

Part 5
The Doctrine Defined, Explained and
What is election as the term is used in the Bible? Election
means a choice–to select from among-to single out-to take
one and leave another. If there are a dozen apples in a basket
and I take all of them there has been no choice; but if I take
seven and leave five there has been a choice. Election, as
taught in the Bible, means that God has made a choice from
among the children of men. In the beginning God set His
choice upon certain individuals, whom He gave to His Son,
and for whom Christ died as their substitute, who in time hear
the Gospel and believe in Christ to life everlasting. Let us
amplify by raising three very pertinent questions.
1. WHO DOES THE ELECTING? Who chooses the persons
to be saved? If men are chosen to salvation, as the Scriptures
affirm, who does the choosing? There must be a selection or
universalism. The language of Scripture seems peculiarly
definite in reply to this question. Matt. 13:20 speaks of the
ELECT, whom He ELECTED, rendered in our version, “The
elect’s sake whom He hath chosen”. The word election is
associated with God not with man. God is the CHOOSER, His
people are the CHOSEN, and grace is the source. The
theology, that God votes for us, the Devil votes against us,
and that we cast the deciding ballot is entirely outside the pale
of Scripture teaching, and is almost too ridiculous to notice.
(John 15:16; II Thess. 2:13; Eph 1:4)
2. WHEN WAS THE ELECTING DONE? For the answer we
are shut up to the Scriptures. But the BIBLE answers with
sunlight clearness. In Eph. 1:4 we read that “He chose us in
Him before the foundation of the world”. The expression,
“before the foundation of the world is found in John 17:24,
where it speaks of the Father’s eternal love for the Son, and in
1 Peter 1:20, where it refers to the eternal determination of the
Divine mind concerning the death of Christ. There are many
similar expressions. ELECTION IS ETERNAL! (Rev. 13:8; II
Thess. 2:13; II Tim. 1:9)
3. WHY WAS THE ELECTING DONE? Was it on the ground
of something good in the sinner? Then nobody would have
been elected for there is none good. Holiness is not the cause
but the effect of election. We are chosen that we should be
holy not because we are holy (Eph. 1:4). Nor, as we have
already seen, is election in view of foreseen repentance and
faith. Election is the cause of repentance and faith and not the
effect of these graces. To say that God chose men to
salvation because He foresaw that they would repent and
believe and be saved is to attribute foolishness to the infinitely
wise God. It is as if the president should issue a decree that
the sun must rise tomorrow because he foresees that it will
rise; or as if a sculptor should choose a certain piece of
marble because he foresaw that it would make itself into the
image he wanted. We challenge any Arminian to raise these

questions and get his answers from the Scriptures.

“Only one life to live and soon is past
Only what’s done for Christ will last!”
Hoping to make the time I have left count for the glory of God.

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