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Part 2
Revelation 6:2
I call them four truths because each of the phrases presents a one truth God wants us to know and
here’s the first one we will discuss.
God unleashes the tribulation never forget who’s in control. God unleashes powerful rapid Global forces.
Now look how this is explained to us. John says in verse two and I looked
and beheld now this is the first what John is seeing. The first of what are
called Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Most of us I remember when Billy Graham used to be writing his books when I was a little boy.
One of them was the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
I remember he used to preach on that in Crusades.
He talked about you know the the bad times that were in the world.
Well John looks and sees that scene unfold and it involves
what most Bible teachers describe as these four horsemen of the Apocalypse.
You can see what it says a white horse and he who sat on it had a bow this is the first event of the
tribulation. It’s one of four horsemen that are coming out.
As each seal is broken a horse is Unleashed onto the Earth.
Each horse is a different color. Each horse has a different Rider. Each horse is symbolizing
It’s symbolizing this powerful force unleashed into the Earth.
It has a global impact so, John sees in succession the first,second,third and
fourth Horsemen.
Men now why is it that they’re Horsemen?
I mean to us we understand what is this like the Kentucky Derby or something?
I mean is this a horse show among the rich in Scottsdale Arizona?
Where people you know are really into horses.
No a horse and a Horseman were the fastest known means of travel in the first century.
So this would be like saying unleashing that new Hypersonic airplane or whatever it is that the US government
has developed.
It’s so secret that they launch it and it can go up into Earth orbit.
It can fly around to any spot on the face of the Earth in in a very short order. It can come back down
and it does stuff all the time. It’s Hypersonic so that’s what this is like or maybe it’s like you know one of
the newest f-35s or something the fastest known means of transportation.
In the first century it was a horse that was the fastest known means of travel.
Horses for us today are beautiful. They’re somewhat of a hobby animal or a form of sports.
They’re expensive to maintain.
They’re not really vital for life but not in the times of the Bible.
See we have to realize that to interpret the Bible correctly. You must understand what
God was communicating. When he communicated this letter initially to the people that received it in the first
century. To them a Horseman carried a huge huge message of the fastest means
of communication and travel.
In Bible times horses were vital for travel. Vital for communication.
Most of all vital for Warfare.
I mean I think about that when everybody’s unleashing their newest latest and greatest Weaponry.
That horses were one of the most vital pieces of warfare back then.
They were the fastest means of transportation. That’s why the scripture
equates them with power in Job 39.
In fact job 39:19-25 has a whole section on how strong horses are. How swift horses are. How Mighty they are.
So in the Bible mind and the thinking of the first century it was a powerful means.
It was a means of warfare. Horses pulled chariots. It was a means of Conquest horses carried Swordsmen and archers
that were almost Unstoppable. I mean right up into modern times. I mean the the the mighty Empire
of Genas Khan was won because of the rapid spread of the Empire through
Horsemen. From the steps you know of of the of Central Asia they could ride
their horses. The horse was going this way and those men without Saddles
holding on with their knees could turn around and without missing a beat fire an arrow at
their enemies pursuing them. That rapid transport and that rapid delivery of armaments conquered
one of the largest empires of the ancient world.
So a charging Calvary was always seen as a symbol of power.
Conquest so starting in verse two each of these Horsemen is revealing a swift
effect on the earth.
Now the emphasis is not on the horse man. There’s not this red man coming in this pale green man coming
and this black man coming and this white man coming.
It’s the horse and the rider was was a picture of this rapid sweep
through the Earth. Each of these Horsemen symbolizes and communicates this.
Unleashing across the world of something.
So verse two the White Horse is the rapid spread of a false temporary
deceptive peace. You say how do you know that because I’m going to show you in a
moment. Jesus actually outlines what John is writing about in Matthew 24.
Jesus describes what’s going on with this White Horse. If you go to verse four.
Red is for the rapid Global spread of warfare and bloodshed. With the red horse.
The black Horse in verse 5. The black Horsemen is for the rapid Global spread of of famine.
They work all day and they get a quart of Wheat. Remember in Bible times the man went out and worked.
He brought back for his whole family a quart of wheat. Can you imagine the starvation and
hunger when entire families live an entire day on a quart of Wheat?
It’s just speaking of of famine and scarcity that just sweeps across the Earth.
First and finally in verse eight this pale green.
One has the gangrenous color of death. Through a rapid Global spread of pestilence death comes.
So that’s the four horsemen so the first element of verse two is that the
tribulation starts with God unleashing powerful forces.
Second, God says that Global Deception comes first. look what it says in verse two after John looked
He beheld these four horsemen it says the first one in verse two is a white horse, Global Deception
comes first. Now you say white deception? Yeah remember think in terms of the Bible Paul said in
First Corinth or 2 Corinthians 11 and verse 14. Satan can transform himself to
a appear as an angel of Light. Rather than the Angel of Darkness.
He really is so white and is not always a sighting of something Pure or something
holy in the Bible.
It can also be a symbol of deception or here of deceptive Global Peace.
It’s a temporary Peace.
Most conservative Bible teachers over the centuries have taken this first Horsemen as a symbol of the rapid spread
of Global Peace. That finally Jesus who came as the Prince of Peace.
Remember he was supposed to be the wonderful counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace.
He comes and is rejected so this man that Satan energizes says I am the
Christ that you’ve all heard about.
You’ve had confusion about that but I’m bringing peace.
It just spreads. It’s Unleashed. It’s called forth by God this
peace to launch the tribulation.
God says Global Peace is what mankind has always wanted. So God gives him what they
want. Through a series of deceivers the chiefest of whom becomes the Antichrist.
You say becomes the Antichrist. Yes did you know Satan has always had a man in the wings to be the Antichrist.
You realize the Antichrist is not a superperson of themselves. It’s the power of the mightiest being God
ever created completely working through them.
It’s the first time God’s going to allow Satan to channel his incredible
power directly through a human. This person can be one of the most insignificant person every.
You know people all over the world are are wondering what the Antichrist looks like.
Is he kind of like an ivy leager and a men a scholar?
He’s going to win all these Awards. He’s probably a Whos Whos is what he is because
all it takes is a body that Satan can speak through in fact.
I was reading this week an interesting account from the nurberg trials in German after World War II.
Where some of the witnesses that were eventually unable to bring some of the Nazi leaders to be
hung. Some of the witnesses talked about what it was like to be on stage with
Adolf Hitler. They said they knew Hitler. They worked with him. They were around him all the time.
They described him. They said but when he stepped up to the Lecter to deliver some
of his famous speeches like the one in the Munich Stadium to 200,000 people.
Where he got them all in unison chanting and jumping up and down.
Then they burst out of there. It just was one of the turning points of the Nazi regime.
They said that Hitler sitting in the chair talked in a certain 24:15
voice but they said when he got up to speak before the microphone.
The witnesses said it wasn’t his voice. They said It was a
completely different voice than we ever heard in any of the different meetings.
That’s probably what’s going to happen with this Antichrist person.
They’re going to be just Joe the plumber. You know average and all
of a sudden when they talk the angel of Light himself speaks
through them, So this happens and This Global Peace through this deceiver comes and look
what the world is like. In fact don’t lose Revelation 6 but turn back with me to Matthew 24.
I want to show you Jesus describing him. I just want to show you in Matthew
24:36. Is Christ’s personal description of the tribulation.
Now this is Jesus himself telling us what the tribulation is going to be like.
He just before the start of the cataclysmic Global Holocaust. Christ describes something that
always amazes me when I think about the Powder Keg that we live in every day.
I mean we live in a in a very dangerous time right now.
The Earth is one big ticking bomb of nuclear arsenals, biological and chemical warfare agents.
Trained terrorists. All kinds of Special Forces soldiers of nations bristling
with unbelievable amounts of weaponry. On top of all that, we have the external dangers of warfare and
bombs. We also have this problem with no breathable air in parts of the world,
no drinkable water. Perishing Food Supplies.
I mean it’s just like a big ticking bomb but in the midst of all that in Matthew 24:36.
Jesus says just before the global bomb explodes. The whole earth is going to be like one big
party. You know they just had one in San Francisco. It was in San Francisco they were showing pictures
on all the newspapers of the big pot party. You know they had a
smoke in in San Francisco.
I don’t know 10,000 people all at once were blowing their marijuana smoke.
Just making this Cloud to go over San Francisco as if they need more you know
of that. It was talking about the the party atmosphere. Well look
at the party on Earth in Matthew 24:36. Jesus says this but of the day and hour no one knows not even the
angels of Heaven what day and what hour.
Well he’s just spent the past 35 verses describing the tribulation with the
Stars falling. The sun darkening and everything imaginable happening.
Jesus says the day and hour that happens no one knows, not even the angels of heaven but my father.
Only verse 37 but now this is the party but as the days of Noah were so will also be like that time.
The coming of the son of man for as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking. They were marrying
and giving marriage until the day Noah entered the Ark. They did not know until the flood came and took them all
away. You see the flood hit a totally unsuspecting world. Jesus uses that
historic event to say the tribulation will hit a totally unsuspecting World.
They were unaware. Now think about today everyone is afraid that Iran might start World War III.
If not Iran maybe North Korea. The North Korean border is line with missles. Every one of them are
primed to fire at once on Soul,South Korea. Do you know what
30,000 500 lb shells exploding at the same time in Soul will do?
It will kill millions of people.
The world is thinking if it’s not Iran then it’s North Korea. If it’s not that it’s Global Jihad
or an asteroid or some Global pandemic of bird flu.
If it’s not that type of disaster then it could be the European debt crisis or Global Water Crisis
but you know what verse 39 says all that’s going to melt away.
The feelings of danger are going to evaporate on Earth. A deceptive peace. Safety and Security
surrounds the planet.
That’s the first Horseman God unleashes into the tribulation to start it.
It’s a white horse of deceptive temporary peace.
“Only one life to live and soon is past
Only what’s done for Christ will last!”
Hoping to make the time I have left count for the glory of God.
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THE SOLUTION TO ALL GLOBAL PROBLEMS–Satan’s Super Man is coming Part 2
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